30 Days Challenge 

Join the PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT HACKATHON to bring out the impactful Communicator and dynamic Personality in you



Brainstorming to unchain your creativity

Brainstorm, widen your perspective, refine & merge ideas and arrive at meaningful conclusions. Collaborate with likeminded people, think out-of-the-box, establish connections, & master critical analysis.

Self-Analysis to reveal your true power

Indulge in Self-Discovery and separate your feelings from facts – you uncover aspects of yourself that you thought never existed. Realize your true potential & the untapped power that lies within.

Help others grow = Grow yourself

Extend your knowledge to others, and solidify your own. Helping others grow helps identify one’s blind spots & enhances problem solving, critical analysis, empathy & a sense of responsibility. It puts you on a fast track to personal growth.

Consistency is how you shatter old patterns

Change is a function of consistency. This Hackathon is to help you build consistency, step out of your comfort zone, instill discipline & inculcate an intrinsic motivation to overcome challenges in daily life.

Apply as you learn, and improvise as you apply

Merely learning about the right steps is not enough. Practical application of knowledge is the key to identify what works and what fails. Applying scientific mindset is the key to identify right patterns and use what you have learnt effectively. Practice how to respond in life instead of react in any situation.

Week 1


  • Know how Personal Intelligence Mastery can change your life
  •  Learn fine self-awareness techniques used by the most successful people
  •  Identify your underperforming areas and identify your true potential
  • Understand your own thought patterns, their source & real meanings

Week 2


  • Learn the difference between your response vs. reactions & their long-term impact
  • Uncover your repeated mistake pattern & emotional trigger traps.
  • Identify the source of your negative emotions- anger, frustration, demotivation etc.
  • Build a deeper connection with your relationships & be admired by people

Week 3


  • In-depth assessment of your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats
  • Detailed SWOT Report to help you identify your Strengths, Weaknesses & Opportunities
  • Identify your unique learning style and enhance your productivity in real-time
  • Identify your unique communication style & become an effective communicator

Week 4


  • Create a blueprint to succeed based on your SWOT, PPR & Self Awareness tools.
  • Identify careers congruent with your core values, strengths, and personality profile
  • Learn fine introspection techniques to cross every speed bump with ease.
  • Unify all the facets of Personal Intelligence Mastery, start a new leadership journey & carve your roadmap to success

 Zenith Leadership HACKATHON


Rs 5999


  • Self Awareness - Guided program over a period of 30 days to introduce the participant to their true potential

  • SWOT Analysis Report to map Strengths & possibilities of Improvement

  • Personality Profile Report to determine the learning & communication styles

  • 45 point Assessment for a Career Blueprint

  • Awards & Recognitions for every achievement

  • Certificate on completion at the end of the Hackathon  

  • 1 hour exclusive parents session with Gurleen Kaur.


World-Class Leadership course & exceptional Mentorship

LIVE sessions with best mentors from across the globe

Interactions with industry leaders & celebrities 

Networking & Collaboration with 'Zenith Global Alumni'

Email: [email protected]  Contact: +91 9599001454  
