Evangeline Helu 
Second Secretary 
Namibia Mission the UN

“I am greatly appreciative of the way Zenith is shaping individuals in the 21st century world.”


Zenith has helped individuals overcome their weaknesses and fears, while also making them more attentive and empathetic. I have witnessed people become conscious and aware of others' feelings, overcome their limiting beliefs, and become stronger personalities. I am greatly appreciative of the way Zenith is shaping individuals in the 21st century world.

Sunil Pahwa
Kaizen Metal Forming 
New Delhi, India
“The difference that Zenith has created for myself and my family is like an indescribable feeling.”


Why do we close our eyes when we pray? When we cry? When we dream? Because we know that most beautiful things in life are not seen but felt with the heart. The same feeling is mine when I think about the difference that Zenith has caused for me and my family.

Mehak Jain
New Delhi, India
New Delhi, India


“Zenith has allowed me to lead my life like an unshakeable pyramid.”


I learned the value of words and to make only those commitments which I knew I could actually follow through. Today, I stand here like an unshakable pyramid, who can’t be broken, no matter the storm. My perspective is now much more evolved, allowing me to be far more optimistic and courageous in my life. At Zenith, I’ve learned very valuable lessons that I’ll nurture for life.

Mr. T Ramraj 
Technical Operations Manager 
Malvern Panalytical - A Spectris Group Company
“I have seen a marked improvement in my professional life, all thanks to the way the concepts were simplified and delivered”


I have witnessed a marked improvement in the various aspects of my communication. The concepts covered throughout the program, including the ‘LTAS Technology’, were absolutely remarkable and I have seen positive results in my professional life. I am amazed by Gurleen Ma'am's way of explaining such complex concepts in a much-simplified manner through easy-to-understand examples.

Sonam Balwani
Event Manager 

“Zenith has made change and growth so easy and practical.”


Through various powerful LIVE sessions and video lessons, Zenith has helped me mend broken relationships, build and improve my communication skills, and enhance my productivity, focus and efficiency. I am pleasantly surprised to see how Zenith has made change and growth so easy and practical.

Malay Banerjee
Team Leader - East 
Malvern Panalytical - A Spectris Group Company,
“I am committed to applying marginal adjustment in every aspect of my life and grow consistently.”
When I sit back and compare my communication between now and when I joined this training, I clearly see that I have become a better listener. Now I consciously use the AFTER Technology and can handle irate customers and build meaningful connections in communication. I am committed to applying marginal adjustment in every aspect of my life and grow consistently. Gurleen Ma'am is an amazing mentor. I always felt at ease while discussing my problems with her. The analogies & solutions that she shared simplified such a difficult subject and were both unique and easy to remember. I have experienced significant improvement in my communication and I am confident that my professional, as well as personal life, would witness the magic of this transformation. 
Dev Pahwa
University of Waterloo
“At Zenith, I learned that there is much more to life than just being alive.”


At Zenith, I learned that there is much more to life than just being alive. I learned there is always a different side to things than what I usually see. And in order to see what’s beyond the ordinary, I have to shift my lens. I learned that when in a problem, the question: “What else can I see?” will make me find the solution even in the most negative situations.

New Delhi, India
“I can proudly say that deciding to become a part of Zenith has been the best decision of my life.”


The choices we make today decide our tomorrow. I too made a choice 4 years ago to be a part of the Zenith community and I can proudly say that I made the best decision of my life. Being associated with Zenith has helped me evolve into a Manshi that I could never have imagined I’d become.

Ajay Dabli
Team Leader 
Malvern Panalytical - A Spectris Group Company 
“Communication Intelligence has allowed me to realize that even the simplest of communication is multi-layered.”


Before this program, I never gave much thought to the way I communicated. But now, I realize that even the simplest of communication is multi-layered. The aspects of internal and external communication taught during this training, such as empathetic listening, the AFTER Technology among others have given me the confidence to communicate with ease with customers and those in my personal life as well. I really appreciate Gurleen Ma'am for her innovative ideas and analogies, which were really helpful. The videos and live sessions gave me the confidence to learn and grow in my communication.

Kanishk Bhadana
New Delhi, India

“Through these sessions at Zenith, I realised that I am a creator and a magician.”


Gurleen Ma'am always told us to 'create some magic'. I kept thinking about these two words - 'creation' and 'magic'. Through the sessions, I realised that I am a creator and a magician. The magic is inside me like a buried treasure. And its search must never end. The best thing about the sessions was that we were able to derive a meaning out of the activities and relate them to ourselves, making each session so personalized and relevant.

Lavanya Swami
New Delhi, India
“Now, I feel like I am Lavanya 2.0 - the Lavanya that knows who she is and what sets her apart from the rest.”


I joined Zenith with the hopes that I would be able to communicate better with others and come out of my shell to be a more confident individual. Now, I feel like I am Lavanya 2.0 - the Lavanya that knows who she is and what sets her apart from the rest. Zenith is a 6 letter word, with more than 6 million teachings, and one in a 6 million mentor - Gurleen Ma’am. Her mentorship has instilled in me immense self-belief, and now if it’s a million-to-one chance in anything that I do, I am going to be that one!

Miraj Sahoo
Team Leader
Malvern Panalytical - A Spectris Group Company
“Gurleen Ma'am’s systematic and scientific approach is extraordinary and can help absolutely anyone grow in communication.”


I have learned the power of listening, interpreting, and driving the conversation to a desirable outcome. Now, I have started regaining the confidence to make things better through my communication. Gurleen Ma'am’s systematic and scientific approach is extraordinary and can help absolutely anyone grow in communication, myself included.