Have you ever noticed how naturally or effortlessly we are able to recollect episodes of childhood from our real-life experiences? In contrast to these memories, learning and then remembering a chapter of History from grade X could surely seem to be a colossal task.
Similarly, even today narratives of books that we choose to read of our own accord get etched in our memory for a much longer duration than everyday newspaper readings of regular world politics.
Have you ever wondered or discerned WHY?
This happens because during experiences that we indulge in or readings that we take up on our own accord, our brain sensors are on high alert.
These episodes adhere to our memory as they connect with our life segments. Psychologists refer to this as Context-Dependent Retrieval.
This is when a particular context/environment serves as the retrieval cue and makes us recall events because it is associated with the stored memory.
This is also the reason that students often sit in the same seats while giving a test, or childhood anecdotes are better remembered when you are at the spot where an event took place.
There are 168 hours in a week.
If you ask a student, probably these too will seem deficient to complete homework, assignments, projects and studying for tests and examination while learning all those concepts. Of course, not to forget, there are other co-curricular activities as well. Accomplishing straight ‘A’s by slogging or burning the midnight lamp is not the correct approach towards education or life.
“Learning how to Learn” is a cardinal life skill.
We go to the gym to work out, tone and train our body muscles, we go hiking to train our fortitude. Then why should we neglect the most crucial part of our body that is the brain? The question however remains, how does one train the brain to learn rapidly and remember more efficiently?
The need of the hour is to hone learning techniques to study smarter so as to enjoy, appreciate and savor life!
The conventional ideology of human intelligence has created a mindset or paradigm with regards to the definition of ‘intelligent’ or ‘smart’. Current educational practices have strictly stipulated who has the potential to be smart and who doesn’t.
However, progressive research highlights that the only limit to one’s intelligence is what the individual believes is possible and how his/her temperament fosters or limits intelligence.
Intelligence is not a static structure that can be computed or eloquently quantified. It is an open dynamic system and a subject of ‘Want’ and Need’ that has the ability to expand itself all through life.
We all have heard about the 7 types of intelligence; verbal/linguistic, logical/mathematical, musical, visual/spatial, body/kinesthetic, interpersonal and intrapersonal.
One or multiple of these intelligences could dominate the psyche of a child and therefore, no solitary type of intelligence is better than the other. Identifying one’s learning style can solve the biggest problem for any student and save thousands of hours wasted in struggling how to learn and retain that learning.
All learning styles are equally worthy and viable. If learning methodologies are compatible with the learner and teaching strategies are designed to maximize their holistic development, education will become much more meaningful and helpful to raise the 21st century youth.
Till then how about I share a few secrets with you and equip you with 7 speed learning techniques that will aid you in broadening your views of intelligence? If you follow through, be assured that these will help you construct a method that works for you and allows you to learn anything in a fraction of the time it took you before.
Forget the traditional methods of teaching and learning and shift your focus to ask yourself, what is the Real-World Relevance that I can apply here?
Instead of depending on what you read, can you learn the same concept by:
Be curious to find more real-life examples, learn through them, and get inspired through.
These steps will not just help you understand and learn better but you will also realize that your learning is relevant. It does have real-life application beyond the four walls of a classroom or lecture hall. Doing this will make the same haunting concepts much more interesting for you to learn than rote learning your 500-page text book.
Don’t get caught up in the complexity of the word. Mnemonic Techniques are just about creating typical patterns to any new information we wish to recall. Once you understand the uniqueness of this technique, you will realize why Psychologists rely on Mnemonics as a great way to chunk and recall complicated information over a longer period of time, once you learn this you can apply it to learning anything from formulas, maps, equations and even complex and lengthy concepts.
By the way Mnemonics trainings cost you a fortune, and I am giving you this vital piece for free, all you need to do is practice, to become smart with your memory.
To use Mnemonics, you need to understand that your brain capability is to store around 5-9 pieces of information in one go. Using this you can use the chunking method to recall much more information with ease.
I call it Smart Chunking, let me simplify this process for you:
For Example: If I have to remember a phone number of 10 digits, hypothetically – 1234567899, my chunking would divide it into 123 – 456- 7899 (BITE SIZE)
My Chunk Story would be: A 12 year old girl walked 3 steps, she fell down at the 4th step (relate it to a 12 year old girl you know and picture her) and a 56 year old man picked her up, she stood up and gave him 7 stones and 8 flowers and his 99 year old grandfather gave a big laugh.
Try this the next time you want to learn something rather tedious like a formula or an equation. Get creative and you’ll see what I am talking about.
Acronyms are an invented amalgamation of letters forming a new word, wherein each letter is a clue to an item you need to remember. For instance, the acronym PMAT can be utilized towards memorizing the sequence of the stages of cell division: Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, and Telophase.
Acronyms are used to simplify complex ideas.
Use Acronyms to remember lengthy concepts.
Organize the entire information in Acronyms to remember the main bullets.
In fact, you must have come across this technique multiple times, whether it was to remember the colors in the rainbow (VIBGYOR) as a kid or more complicated rules in math (BODMAS). There is a reason it is so widely adapted and used- it works!!! So, go start using it!!
Acrostics encompass the formation of a generally meaningful sentence wherein the first letter of each word is the cue to what you want to learn.
For Example ‘My Dear Aunt Sally’ suggests the mathematical order of operations: Multiply Divide Add Subtract.
My – M – Multiply
Dear – D – Divide
Aunt – A – Add
Sally – S– Subtract.
This is a very simple example. If you use Acrostics creatively, you can learn the most difficult concepts of Chemistry formulas, Math formulas, Geography maps, Public Speaking assignments and what not in the simplest manner.
You name it and Acrostics can save it!
To Use Acrostics:
Form a meaningful sentence wherein the first letter of each word is the cue.
Acrostics demand you to be creative in stacking information you can recall.
Think why are you creating this Acrostics for a meaningful creation.
The method of Loci comes handy in memorizing full episodes of History or long procedures of Science. Loci literally implies “places.”
The idea is to associate the places around yourself to relate to important information that you need to remember. Follow the IVM steps to use Loci:
This may seem tricky at first but once you master this art; you will be surprised by how easily you are able to recollect chunks of information without much effort.
Using Loci, you can remember an entire chapter on a battle / types of forests / types pf metals- just from your house to your school 😊
A fun way to learn, isn’t it?
This method especially comes in handy for those who refer to themselves as “Visual Learners”. The extent of usage depends on your creativity.
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