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Equip Yourself with 52 New-Age Skills Weaved in the 


to Lead an Empowered Life

Join Zenith 5Q Leadership Program

“With how capable I am, there is so much more that I could achieve!”

How often has this thought crossed your mind?


You could be living a very successful life as a corporate leader, but within yourself you know you’re capable of so much more.


Or you could be a thriving entrepreneur looking to 10x your productivity and results, so that you can crush the competition, stand out of the crowd, and take your dreams to the next level.


Or you could be a student, aspiring to be a professional in the 21st century world, seeking growth in your professional & financial career by honing skills like negotiation, networking, critical thinking, observation, and confident communication skills to inspire action, and be admired wherever you go.


Or you could simply be someone who is looking for happiness in their relationships, awakening of their spirituality & manifestation abilities for your emotional well-being. 


Whichever category you may fall in, the truth is you know that you’re at a point in your life where it’s time to rise to the next level!


Being human, each one of us has been endowed with immense potential, but almost no understanding of how to use that ability in our favor, so that we can constantly grow in our lives. 


But what if you could get guided mentorship so that you could reach your Zenith and meet your version 2.0?


Uncover your ‘5 Inner Intelligences’ as you step on to an exclusive journey, with your personal life coach and mentor, Gurleen Kaur, and bring about an overhaul in life as you know it!! 













LIVE LIFE #likeaZenith 


Beyond Zenith is India’s first-ever mentorship-based curriculum aimed at a holistic lifestyle transformation.  


The program is a carefully structured mechanism that has its roots in the "5 Inner Intelligence Framework", a ground-breaking creation that taps into your latent abilities to help you unleash your true potential, catapult you past your limiting barriers and empower you with the tools to lead a happy, fulfilled and flourishing life in all aspects.


Do you need to put in hours on end working on yourself, carrying out lengthy assignments, and going through the painful and slow path to evolve? Not at Zenith.


Through our 12 years of research, we've discovered that taking one baby step each day is more effective than taking one giant leap periodically. With Zenith and just 15 minutes every day, you will learn about highly effective tools and skills in easy-to-grasp chunks, get guided techniques to apply and incorporate your learning, and work through the solutions of the barriers encountered.


Instead of taking your personal growth as a subject, and the related curriculum as targets to be completed; you will experience it as a journey, a process of fun and growth from within as you evolve your 5 inner intelligences:

Personal Intelligence | Intellectual Intelligence | Communication Intelligence | Spiritual Intelligence | Emotional Intelligence


Curriculum At A Glance

Zenith 5Q Leadership adopts an easy-to-follow methodology that enables you to evolve your “5 Inner Intelligences” and experience enhanced productivity, better communication & relationships, reformed perspective, self-awareness, and as a result, the ability to stand out wherever you go. 


You’ll join your mentor, Gurleen Kaur, in a series of LIVE sessions and video training lessons designed to be catalytic, brain-stimulating, and immersive.


Every session reveals a transformative technique, blueprint, or technology in easy to incorporate steps so that no matter how busy you are - you can still witness growth in your life, with every moment that passes you by.


As you move ahead in the course, you’ll discover the transformational changes in every aspect of your life - starting from your happiness quotient, to your productivity, critical thinking, communication, relationships, mindfulness, and your empowering belief systems. By the culmination, you would have sharpened your “5 Inner Intelligences” to experience success, power, and happiness in your life like never before. 


Learn about the powerful tools and techniques to express yourself with confidence, equip yourself with outcome-driven communication and skills like networking, presentation, negotiation, conflict management, establish trust and credibility through your words as you build lasting relationships, both professional and personal. 

A Glimpse Of The Module

  • Deliver impactful communication and empower yourself with exceptional self-expression and confidence
  • Learn to articulate your communication such that it is easily understandable, relatable, and conclusive - be it written or verbal
  • Learn how to adapt to the psychology of your listener, build deeper understanding & connection in your personal and professional relationships
  • Learn how to be in the driver’s seat of any conversation, create the outcomes you desire, and avoid unnecessary stress, waste of time & energy
  • ... and much more



Begin your transformational journey by getting to know yourself, inside-out - understand what triggers you, learn about your unique learning style, and how you can use your strengths & weaknesses to self-reflect and take a step closer to tapping your inner intelligences. 

A Glimpse Of The Module

  • Detailed and in-depth SWOT Analysis
  • Personality Profile Report to identify your specific learning, listening, and communication style; and how to make the most of it
  • Claim your self-awareness through powerful introspection techniques and identification of your Emotional Trigger Traps
  • ... and much more


Discover and unlock the extraordinary capability of your intellect, much beyond memorization. Gain skills like observation, critical & creative thinking, divergent & convergent thinking, problem-solving, planning & organization, productivity, mindfulness, biomimicry, among others, and stand out wherever you go.

A Glimpse Of The Module

  • Step beyond the limits of your memory to tap into the full potential of your intellect 
  • Conquer your critical & creative thinking, divergent & convergent thinking, problem-solving, decision making, productivity, planning, organization, and time management by using concrete formulas and technologies
  • Learn how to use your observation skills to be Mindful, instead of being MindFULL, as you take charge of your life to overcome overthinking & anxiety
  • Hone technologies like Biomimicry to find solutions to even the most daunting problems
  • ... and much more


Uncover your infinite intrinsic motivation reservoirs as you learn techniques to transform your dreams into reality through creative visualization, empowering belief systems, harnessing your intuition, and more.

 A Glimpse Of The Module

  • Keep your motivation sky-high at your own will and become the custodian of your own energy
  • Manifest your goals into reality by tapping into the intermingled power of the universe, your energy, and your mind
  • Employ powerful creative visualization and breathing techniques to be ahead of situations in life
  • ... and much more


Uncover your infinite intrinsic motivation reservoirs as you learn techniques to transform your dreams into reality through creative visualization, empowering belief systems, harnessing your intuition, and more.

A Glimpse Of The Module

  • Learn how to control your interpretation, shift your mindset and gather new perspective, no matter how hard a situation
  • Transition from powerless to powerful emotional states with conscious choice
  • Realize the value of having a strong relationship with yourself and become your own best friend
  • Overcome conflicts and build strong interpersonal relationships and become admired by the people around you
  • ... and much more


FREE access to LIVE High-Value Sessions

Regular high-value LIVE sessions with your Mentor, Gurleen Kaur. Experience simplified learning in the form of concept trainings and prized Q/A sessions for accelerated performance and effective implementation of the program.

FREE access to the Resource Center

Get a no-charge all-access to an exhaustive resource library, home to actionable templates, mini-courses, blogs, e-books and lots more on pressing topics of your personal & customized growth.

LIFETIME membership to the 'Zenith Global Alumni Community'

Network and collaborate with the community spread across the globe, to always keep in touch with Zenith and never miss out on Alumni resources.

Attend regular the ‘Celeb Feature’ LIVE sessions

Get the chance to witness LIVE industry leaders, eminent and acclaimed personalities, as they share insights and valuable tips from their treasure of experience, and accelerate your journey to success.


Gurleen Kaur

It was in 2008 when Gurleen was first brought to the epiphany that a glaring gap exists between the hard skills and the necessary 21st-century skills required by every young person and working professional to thrive in their careers and live a content life. And ever since, Gurleen has been working passionately to empower individuals to live a powerful and fulfilled life.
She created a groundbreaking curriculum for Leadership, Communication & Emotional Intelligence, and founded the '5 Inner Intelligences Framework' so that young people and working professionals can be equipped with the all-encompassing skill set needed to rise on the ladder of success.
With her simple yet profound formulas, she has personally mentored over 25000 + people and working professionals to bring about a paradigm shift in their mindset, attitude & perspective in life.
Gurleen has been the driving force behind the personal growth and self-realization of the entire Zenith Global Alumni community, as she moves closer to her vision of getting this education to a total of 1 MILLION students, working professionals and women by the year 2025.
Gurleen is an electrifying speaker & an authority on subjects like leadership, communication intelligence, emotional intelligence, and personal development.
A philanthropist at heart, a Doctorate in Psychotherapy and Counselling, an international affiliate with the American Psychologists Association, NLP Master Trainer, an author, blogger, speaker, a hands-on mentor, a personal development coach, and a cheerleader of growth, Gurleen is most loved for the connection and sense of empathy she shares with her Zenith community.
What truly defines Gurleen is her staunch belief in the infinite potential and limitless genius that exists within each individual. She has lived her life’s vision in helping people realize their truest potential through hands-on mentorship and personal development coaching.



What Participants Say About Gurleen Kaur

Purnima Mann
Wilfrid Laurier University
Waterloo, Canada

“Being at Zenith has to be one of the best things that happened to me last year.”

Being at Zenith has to be one of the best things that happened to me last year. I am grateful that I got to be a part of such a vibrant and supportive community that I knew always had my back. I would always remember how my mentor, Gurleen Ma’am inspired us to “Turn our stones into stepping stones” - something that led me to discover and hone my true potential as a communicator. Being at Zenith has made me rise above good and be great at whatever I do, wherever I go.

Sharib Shamsi
Account Manager, Wipro Limited
New Delhi, India

“Gurleen Ma’am has customized my journey to growth and transformation.”

It truly surprises me how, despite the fact that Zenith is such a versatile platform - with people of diverse skills, talents, and backgrounds coming together - Gurleen Ma’am’s mentorship allows me to feel like these trainings were designed specifically for my purposes and requirements. Her LIVE MasterMind sessions are like a mirror that have allowed me to see myself for who I truly am and how much better I could be. 


Sheryl Bhatia
New Delhi, India


“Zenith has equipped me with many powerful skills at an age where nobody expects me to have them”

I used to come across as self-centered because of being too engrossed in my own life to properly express care to those closest to me. And just within two months of being at Zenith, my friends and family started to perceive me differently! Gurleen Ma’am made me realize that communication is actually ‘communi-care’ and ever since, I have witnessed myself evolving into a more empathetic individual. From communication skills and self-awareness to leadership and problem-solving - Zenith has equipped me with many powerful skills at an age where nobody expects me to have them.


Left: Mr. Manish Sisodia (Deputy Chief Minister & Education Minister of Delhi) with Gurleen Kaur. Top Right: Dr. APJ Abdul Kalaam (Former President of India) at the launch of the Zenith Leadership Curriculum in 2011 with Gurleen Kaur. Bottom Right: Sh. Milkha Singh Ji ( Distinguished Olympian, also crowned as the "Flying Sikh) with Gurleen Kaur.


Srinidhi Kumar
Medical Student
New Delhi, India


"Zenith has made me do things which I never ever thought I could do, or even considered doing"


With every new session, I learned something new. Something that gave my thoughts a new direction and shaped my perspectives in the best way possible. Zenith has made me do things which I never ever thought I could do, or even considered doing - and doing these are what have changed me for the better. I've learnt that it's our choice whether to decide we 'can' or 'can't' do something. And this is the choice that I will always keep close to my heart to make the right decisions each time I am faced with my limiting beliefs.

Yash Mehera
Istituto Europeo di Design
Barcelona, Spain

"I didn’t know what to expect from Zenith but one thing that I knew for sure was that I wanted"

I didn’t know what to expect from Zenith but one thing that I knew for sure was that I wanted to be here no matter what. Being here, I felt surrounded with people who were like me. It was wonderful being at such an engaging platform because I had never had the opportunity to experience such engaging sessions. Being at Zenith has helped me get the kind of experience that many people may never receive. Although we were engaged in a lot of fun activities throughout the course of the program, Zenith has shaped me into a much better person and leader for tomorrow.


Tanya Vig
New Delhi, India

"Zenith has helped me realize the power of a strong and supportive community."

I now realize that if anything ever stops me, it has to be my limiting beliefs and not the circumstance. Knowing how to get past my limiting beliefs allowed me to achieve things even I didn’t think were possible. I have learnt to look beyond the obvious in every situation and ask myself, “What else can I see?”. Zenith has helped me realize the power of a strong and supportive community.



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